What is the meaning of Allay

Meaning of Allay:- to lighten something or reduce something synonyms of Allay:- Pacify, Soothe, Lighten, Assuage Antonyms of Allay:- Aggravate, heighten, agitate, excite Use of Allay in the sentence:- Government of India try to Allay the fear of corona virus among the public

Meaning and use of repugnant

meaning of Repugnant:- A thing or a person which is very hateful or unpleasant Synonyms of repugnant:- odious, detestable, abominable, aversion antonyms of repugnant:- likeable, pleasant, affectionate, enjoyable use of repugnant in sentence:- she is not invited in this party because she is very repugnant by most of the person